Thursday, August 7, 2008

Information On DEL AIR Education Team

The Del Air Rockhounds Club Presents............

Del Air Rockhounds club members can visit your classroom with a presentation on geology and the earth sciences. Our education outreach committee offers a variety of classroom programs.
  • Introduction to Geology (4th grade curriculum) Interactive Discussion / Slide Show / Hands-on Specimens
Students will have a chance to hold a variety of rocks and fossils in their own hands! Program is 50 minutes to an hour depending on age level
  • Introduction to Fossils (2nd grade curriculum) Interactive Discussion / Hands-on Specimens / Project Stations
Students will have the chance to hold many types of fossils in their own hands such as Petrification, Trace, Amber, and Frozen fossils. Program is 40 minutes to an hour depending on age level. To schedule you school visit contact: Del Air Member Maxine Dearborn at our Voice Mail: (818) 714-0321 Programs are free of charge! (nominal transportation fee outside of the San Fernando Valley) Donations may be given to Del Air Rockhounds Club. Please scroll down to see what some of our star students have to say about our "Rocks in Your Classroom" presentations.......