Del Air's Keith Malone & Dick Flaharty at the silent auction table.
(be very very quiet......they're selling rocks!!)
Vendors displaying and selling their many wares.
Del Air's very own Leilani Backus, working her booth.
(Don't mess with her...She single handedly scared away the rain from our show!!)
More Vendors.
Del Air's queen of the wire wrap, Dorothy Ridenour, surrounded by all her fabulous treasures.
Del Air's Len Hellenthal, kickin' it at the Boutique.
Del Air's chief of security and head bouncer, Oscar (the Brute) Marin, surreptitiously patrolling the crowd.
Del Air's esteemed commander in chief, Bob Backus. (all hail the chief cause he's the chief and he needs hailing....everyone sing!)
Del Air's one and only, Maxine (I must've talked to about a bazillion kids) Dearborn helping some Boy Scouts earn their geology badges.
Del Air's Dennis (the Blade) Miller cutting geodes to the delight of all.
Del Air's very own Jim (the Rip) Van Winkle discussing his extraordinary fossil collection with fascinated onlookers both young and old alike.
Del Air's culinary guru himself, Bob (Wolfgang Puck) Dearborn whose lifelong motto is "live, love, eat.......oh..and collect rocks".
And last but not least....All the great displays.........
Fossils by Jim Van Winkle
More Fossils by Jim Van Winkle
Keokuk Geodes by Chris Ward
Amber by Jon Meredith
Stone Boxes by Keith Malone
Metamorphic Slabs by Richard Haering
Petrified Wood by Bob Knox
Native Indian Jewelry by Maxine & Keri Dearborn
Minerals & Mineral By-Products by Maxine & Keri Dearborn
Spiderweb Turquoise by Steve Dover
Here's looking forward to an even more successful 2009. Thanks again!!!