Thursday, June 27, 2024

Del Air Rockhounds July 2024 Calendar of Events

Thursday July 4th: Independence Day
NO GENERAL MEETING IN JULY – WE ARE DARK                                                                           
Thursday July 18th: Board Meeting - 7:30 pm at the Dearborn's home


July's Teaser for Our August Program: 'Ice Cream & Bingo Social' 

It's that time of the year where we once again return after a hot hot hot July and enjoy an evening of delicious ice cream and play exciting Bingo games for fabulous prizes. Watch your August bulletin for more details.


Revised Club By-Laws:
All adult club members 18 years of age and older are kindly asked to read the newly revised club By-Laws that will appear in the August 2024 edition of our monthly bulletin. This is very important as the membership will be asked to vote on acceptance of these new By-Laws at our September general meeting and will require a two-thirds majority to pass. All members are encouraged to attend the September meeting so everyone's vote can be counted regarding this important matter.


RIP Bob Jones:

For those of you who have been long time rockhounds, Bob Jones, a very long time friend of the mineral collecting community, passed away on May 31st. He was in his 90's. Bob's enthusiasm and unstoppable optimism along with his appreciation for mineral collecting and his passion for introducing people to the joy of mineral collecting could not be ignored. He was editor of Rock & Gem Magazine for decades and his many articles where he wrote about collecting localities will never be replicated. Bob was a generous and enthusiastic man who knew no strangers and he will be sorely missed by many.


Photos From Our Amber Workshop on Saturday June 22


WE DID IT:                                                                                                                                                                               
The Del Air Education Outreach Program ended its half way mark for 2024 with a BANG!!! Just before the school break we had two events going at the same time. One a school we have not been to before and the huge CFMS/AMFS Show! On a Thursday evening, we had a booth at a school STEAM NIGHT. Members, Shellie Van Winkle, Pam Abbott, Diana Durfee, Bob & Maxine Dearborn, Jon Meredith, Steven & Coriolis Koch were setting up, running and taking down the booth for a few hours. Our first time at this school and they were happy to talk to us about rocks. On this same Thursday, Jeff Dengrove and Bob Knox were at the Ventura Fairgrounds, setting up our club display case and educational booth. They did this for hours too! Now the CFMS/AFMS Show was a BIG weekend for our club. Besides the setting up and taking down our display case and educational booth, we had many members attend the show to run our booth. Members Jeff Dengrove, Bob Knox, Pam Abbott, Maxine & Bob Dearborn, Diana Durfee, Jon Meredith, Michael Lawshe, Keri Dearborn, Dan Farber were all there on and off for the Fri., Sat., Sun show and spent many hours at our booth talking to lots of people interested in our booth and rocks and minerals. Also two of our members were special speakers for the show. Keri Dearborn - Geology of the Coastal Islands and Maxine Dearborn - Amber. Both of their talks had a well attended audience. We also had a member, Emmy Silverman, who had a dealer booth at this show. You can see our club was very busy at the end of this booth/talk season and many members were involved with these events. We hope you all can take a break now - take a vacation somewhere - and rest up for the second part of the year coming up! 


Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 2024 Del Air Monthly Calendar of Events

Thursday June 6: General Meeting 7:30 pm at Northridge United Methodist Church

Saturday June 15: Delvers G & M Society Parking Lot Sale

Sunday June 16: Father's Day 

Thursday June 20: Board Meeting 7:30 pm at Shellie Van Winkle's home

Saturday June 22: Working & Polishing Amber Class 

June's General Meeting Program:                                                                                                          'Bonsai Trees & Rocks, Melding the Two Together'                                                                          Presented by Dan Durfee

Come join us at our June meeting where club member Dan Durfee will show us how he creates his beautiful bonsai trees and how he incorporates colorful rocks and minerals to help showcase his masterpieces. It's sure to be an informative and creative experience for all.


June 2024 Workshop 
Working & Polishing Amber
Presented by Jon Meredith
Club member and amber enthusiast, Jon Meredith, will be hosting a class on working and polishing amber at Jeff Dengroves house. Amber is fossilized tree resin and can be found in a select few locations around the globe. There will be space for ten (10) participants and a sign up sheet will be available at the June general meeting. Jon will be providing all necessary materials. The slab saws and a genie will also  be available on this day for those who wish to take advantage of them. Don't miss out… get your name on that sign up sheet at the June meeting. 


Have you ever wondered about the MOHS hardness scale? Here are some facts about it!
  • The MOHS scale is a system used to identify the hardness of rocks and minerals.
  • There are many things that people use to help describe or discover a rock’s identification, but the MOHS scale is a good, efficient one to identify types of minerals.
  • The MOHS process suggests scratching two minerals together in order to find the hardness of the two minerals.
  • Who? The person who invented the MOHS scale was Friedrich E. Mohs.
  • When? The MOHS scale was created in the year 1812. How? Observing the mineral’s surface when it is scratched by a substance of known or defined hardness.
  • When? The scale was found in the early 1800's in one of Friedrich’s books.
  • What? The MOHS hardness scale means Scale of Mineral Hardness.


Del Air Club Annual Wrightwood Field Trip Report:
Thanks to member Shellie Van Winkle, we met again at her house in Wrightwood, CA for our annual field trip. There were breakfast snack items on the table when we all got there and fresh coffee. Boy, what a way to start collecting rock! Our members trooped off, about 2 city blocks, to the collecting area and had a great time filling their bags. Some had large rocks too big for their bags. After about 2 hours of collecting, we all headed back to the house for a huge pot-luck lunch of warm food, salads, finger food and rich desserts. Every field trip should be like this one! Members present were: Shellie Van Winkle, Bernadette Friedman, Jeff Dengrove, Dan & Diana Durfee, Aileen Beckers, Michael Tschacher, Louise Ratliff, Bob & Maxine Dearborn and Peggy Donner. Again, Thank You Shellie for a great, easy and fun way to have a field trip.