Sunday November 3: Daylight Savings Ends
Thursday November 7: General Meeting
Monday November 11: Veterans Day
Thursday November 21: Board Meeting
Thursday November 28: Thanksgiving Day
November 2024 Program:
The Diversity of American Gems: The Western States
Presented by Renee Newman
Renee’s PowerPoint will include gems from sources in Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, and parts of California. However, it will focus on the most notable ones such as jade, benitoite, sunstone, opal, turquoise, chrysocolla, Four Peaks amethyst and fire agate. Renée Newman developed her interest in gems in the early 1980's while conducting tours to Asia, South America and the South Pacific. Her passengers wanted to know how to judge the quality of the gems they saw. After searching in bookstores and libraries for this information, Renée discovered that little had been written on the subject of gem quality evaluation, so she decided it would be worth creating books with photos that showed how to judge gem quality. After receiving a graduate gemologist diploma from the GIA, she was hired as a gemologist at a wholesale firm in downtown Los Angeles. It provided hands-on experience grading diamonds and selecting colored gems and pearls for their jewelry. Armed with trade experience and gemological credentials, Renée decided to create books that showed readers how to visually evaluate the quality of gems. Her first book, the Diamond Ring Buying Guide, was published in 1989. Since that time, she has written thirteen more books on gems and jewelry. They are used as gemology course textbooks, sales training tools, appraisal references and consumer guides. The books will be available for sale at the meeting for a discounted price. Bring cash or check.
Report on Beading Class with Martina Rodriguez 10-26-2024
Martina Rodriguez instructed us all on how to make A BEAD BRACELET. She had many different beads to choose from and spacer items to make the bracelet even prettier. After stringing the beads and in some cases dropping the string and losing the beads, which means starting over again, we had to tie the knot to hold it all together. This knot was not easy and Martina helped most of us. Most made 2 bracelets and a pair of earrings. With a light lunch, it was a good day. Members attending the class were: Pam Abbott, Dean Tran, Olga Wolf, Alexander Tran, Dr. Jeong Guk Oh, Louise Ratliff, Marilyn Murata and Bob Dearborn. A fun day for all and we did learn something new. These special yearly quarter workshop classes are for members only and if you miss them, you are missing out on learning something new and interesting.
Proposed 2025 Slate of Officers
President: Jeff Dengrove
Vice President: Aileen Beckers
2nd Vice President: Dan Farber
Secretary: Bob Dearborn
Treasurer: Shellie Van Winkle
Federation Director: Bob Knox
December Holiday Party Teaser
Happy Holidays Del-Airs. Next month is our annual holiday party. This year we will be enjoying a member provided international themed potluck dinner, a special presentation revolving around slabs and cabochons, some games, and our annual election of officers for 2025. Holiday party chair, Bernadette Friedman will have a sign-up sheet for you to advise on what dish you will be bringing to the party. Remember to prepare enough to feed approximately 6-8 people. Our holiday party committee is currently hard at work planning out all the fine details. The party will be held on our regular December meeting date of Thursday December 5th in the Fellowship Hall building of the Northridge United Methodist Church. So, save the date as you will not want to miss this fun annual event.