Thursday January 4: General Meeting 7:30 pm in our regular meeting room at Northridge United Methodist Church
Monday January 15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Thursday January 18: Starry Starry Night Event- Tarzana Elementary School
Thursday January 25: Board Meeting 7:30 pm at Shellie Van Winkle's home
Saturday January 27: Annual Whale Bone Field Trip
January 2024 General Meeting Program 'Rock & Crocs' Some Lesser Known Geological Features in Australia Presented by Dick & Mary Pat Weber
Come join us for our first meeting of the new year where Dick & Mary Pat Weber will present a tantalizing look at some of the lesser known, but still spectacular, geological and paleontological features throughout Australia. Everyone knows about the Great Barrier Reef and Ayers Rock but there are so many more features that are equally impressive but known to only a select few. Hope to see you all there.
The Rockhound Dennis Miller Show
Dennis will be presenting a new feature throughout 2024…The 'Rock of the Month'. Each month we will select a rock of the month and Dennis will educate us on its properties, characteristics and possible uses. All members are urged to bring in any specimens they have of the rock of the month to help highlight this new feature and to share with members and guests.
January 2024 'Rock of the Month'
In honor of our annual whale bone trip to Refugio Beach this month, January's rock of the month will be Whale Bone. Bring in your samples for all to see and marvel over.
Del Air Shop Day Recap
The Del Air Club had another SHOP DAY, thanks to Jeff Dengrove. We had a good group all doing rock stuff. Chris Ward brought his commercial pearl drill and everyone attending made a set of pearl earrings. Very cool, and very easy. Other members drilled holes in rock slabs, hearts and more to make interesting pendants for necklaces. Most also used the club equipment to cut rocks, polish cabs, polish special specimens and the start of bookends. We all had a very good day and walked away with a finished project. More SHOP DAYS will be coming up, watch your bulletin and sign up early. We can only handle 10 members at a time on these days. You haven’t attended a SHOP DAY? Well, remember, we have instructors present to help you with your project.
Santa Came Early to Chatsworth
Santa was in his annual Chatsworth Parade and the Del Air Club had our educational booth to help celebrate with 100’s of people. We were worried about the wind, but it turned out to be a perfect December day, in the 70’s. We were there from 9 am (set up time) to 5 pm (take down). Chris Ward played educational games with the children and adults. Bob Knox talked to all about the many great touch and feel rocks. Shellie Van Winkle was spinning our wheel and handed out many prizes. Bob Dearborn tried to sell our different boutique items, but not many takers. Jeff Dengrove and Maxine Dearborn bounced from station to station to do what was needed, talking to people about our rocks, club, and special items for sale. Steven and Coriolis Koch came by to help at our booth during their break at the Boy Scout booth they were running. We all talked about rock and club topics. It was a good day. We were tired at the end. And we hope we made some good contacts for educational talks and membership.
Annual Del Air Whale Bone Field Trip Saturday January 27, 2024 - 10:00 am - Refugio Beach
It's time, once again, for our annual whale bone field trip to Refugio Beach in Santa Barbara, CA. We will meet up at 10:00 am at the Refugio Beach parking lot. Look for the red and blue Del Air car flags. Dress in layers as the weather can be cool in the shade and a bit warmer in the sunshine. Bring your own picnic lunch (not a potluck) and drinks as well as a bucket or bag to bring your finds home in. Take the Ventura Fwy (101 north) about 100 miles to the Refugio Beach off ramp. Parking is $10 and is good all day at all state beaches if you'd like to check out nearby El Capitan & Gaviota beaches. You won't have to pay additional parking. This is always a popular and well attended club field trip. President and Field Trip Chair, Jeff Dengrove, will be there to show you what to look for. In addition to fossil whale bone, there are many other beautiful rocks to collect including beach agates and San Franciscan Shale. You may even find fossil horse teeth that have washed down to the beach from the nearby mountains. If you have never attended this event, try to attend this time. You won't regret it. Refugio is a beautiful and peaceful place that you all should take the time to visit.
Congratulations to our 2024 Board of Directors
President: Jeff Dengrove Vice President: Aileen Beckers 2nd Vice President: Dan Farber Secretary: Bob Dearborn Treasurer: Shellie Van Winkle Federation Director: Bob Knox
Voted in unanimously by the membership at our December 2023 Holiday Party.