Thursday, September 28, 2023

Del Air Rockhounds October 2023 Calendar of Events

Thursday October 5: General Meeting                                                                                                        7:30 pm in our regular meeting room at Northridge United Methodist Church

Friday October 6: Vintage Magnet NASA Night - See article

Saturday October 14: Quilting in the Valley Event - See article

Thursday October 19: Board Meeting - 7:30 pm at Shellie Van Winkle's home

Tuesday October 31: Halloween - Spooky Spooky Trick or Treaters! 

October 2023 General Meeting Program: Annual Del Air Rockhound Silent Auction                              Presented by Board of Directors

Come join us for our annual Silent Auction live at our October general meeting. Many wonderful items will be up for auction starting at $0.50 and up. There will be an extended auction table with some higher end items starting at higher minimum bids. We will run three (3) auctions lasting 10 to 15 minutes each plus the extended auction which will begin at the same time as the first auction and will end at the same time the third auction ends. Please bring your money in quarters and dollars as it will be difficult for us to make change for a twenty dollar bill on a one dollar purchase. Also bring a bag or box to carry home your treasured wins. Hope to see you all there!

The Rockhound Dennis Miller Show:

Dennis will fill us in on October's birthstones, Opal & Tourmaline. Dennis also asks all members to bring in something for show & tell to share with our members and guests.


September 8th & 9th were the days for setting up and running our 2nd successful ROCK SALE. The days were HOT and we had a LOT of rock to move and equipment to get ready to sell. We had OUTSTANDING participation from our membership in both setting up for the sale and getting out in the heat and selling the rock. FIRST WE WANT TO THANK BOB KNOX - FOR LETTING US HOLD OUR SALE IN HIS FRONT YARD AGAIN! WE DO TAKE IT OVER FOR THE DAY! Next we want to THANK all our members who helped set up the sale, run the sale and then take it all down and make the yard back to normal; THANK YOU ALL! Our crew setting up on Friday afternoon included: Bob Knox, Chris Ward, Dan Farber, Aileen Beckers, Shellie Van Winkle, Tricia & Kai Kalma, Marilyn Murata, Michael Lawshe and Maxine & Bob Dearborn. Saturday sale day crew included: Bob Knox, Dan Farber, Chris Ward, Shellie Van Winkle, Tricia Kalma & Kai Kalma, Aileen Beckers, Dan & Diana Durfee, Anita Lichtman, Marilyn Murata, Doctor Oh, Rudy & Martina Rodriguez and Maxine & Bob Dearborn. We want to THANK our members who did the major grunt work of moving the heavy rock and digging through the many crates of stored rock and fighting spiders, ants and more to get the rock ready to sell. This was messy, heavy work and we really do appreciate you doing this. This sale put a good dent in our annual storage fee, which is good for all of us. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN! PS: Those members who could not or did not attend our ROCK SALE missed a good time and a good chance to find the best rock in your collection so far. We missed you and hope you can be with us on our next club project.

A Message From Your President:                                                                                                                  As many of you already know, I will be relocating to Inverness, Florida the second week of January 2024. This is more due to necessity than to choice. I officially retired this month and financially speaking, I simply cannot remain in California. It has become ridiculously expensive to live in this state while on a fixed income. While there are many things I will not miss in California, the one thing I will definitely miss the most is the family I've come to know in the Del Air Rockhounds Club. It has been my honor to have been a club member for 17+ plus years and even more so as your president for the past 5 years. While I will not be able to continue on as your president moving forward, I fully plan to remain a member and will still handle editor duties for our monthly bulletin. I plan on attending the meetings either via Zoom or via phone call and am working on the details to make this plan come to fruition. My email and phone number will remain the same. We will be needing a replacement for me as president and I encourage each and every one of you to consider stepping up and volunteering for the position at our December meeting/party/election. It's really easy and very rewarding. Nothing to be afraid of. I'm excited for a fresh start and to explore the rockhounding possibilities the east coast has to offer. I will miss you all dearly but rest assured, you have not seen the last of me. In the meantime, we still have October, November and December to whoop it up as rockhounds. Much love!                                                                                                                            Chris Ward - President


Report on September Field Trip - Thornhill Broome Beach
Saturday September 23, 2023:

We had another fun day on our September field trip to Thornhill Broome State Beach on Saturday September 23rd. Members attending were Chris Ward, Bob Knox, Dan & Diana Durfee, Jeff Silverman, Dr Oh and Bob & Maxine Dearborn. Most of us arrived at 10:00 am and the first thing we noticed was the lack of rock on the beach. This beach used to be covered in rock from end to end and from surf to shore. This time around the beach was all sand with nary a rock in sight. I spoke with a lifeguard who was on duty and he told me the recent California storms washed the majority of the rocks back out to sea and some of it was pushed way down the beach past the reserved campground area. So our members made their way down the beach, past the campground area where Coquina was plentiful. The weather was beautiful and everyone filled their collecting bags and buckets with all they could carry. We saw an abundance of seagulls, sandpipers, sea lions, dolphins and pelicans frolicking in and around the ocean and beach. We ended the day eating our packed lunches while sitting on a big old log that washed up on the beach. A fun time was had by all.
